The terms of division apply to the division concerned when an agreement has been reached. CIRCULAR 1 OF 2018 – DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT One of SALGBC`s core tasks is to deal with disputes that have been referred to the Commission. Disputes are conducted at the department and/or central council level. Disputes such as unfair dismissals and unfair labour practices are referred to the relevant regional secretary of the division, to the relevant regional offices. Where the dispute concerns the interpretation or application of a collective agreement reached at the Central Council level, it must be referred to the Secretary General. After the dispute is resolved, mediation is scheduled within 30 days, during which time the parties will attempt to resolve the dispute before an independent conciliator. If the case is not resolved, a certificate will be issued. The party may choose to refer the matter to arbitration, in which case the Board appoints an independent arbitrator to resolve the dispute within 60 days. The return must be correct, without error or error, to avoid delays. If in doubt, talk to your union, SAMWU or IMATU The SALGBC (SALGA, SAMWU and IMATU) parties have agreed on a multi-media video and have ordered as part of their collective contribution to creating industry awareness for COVID – 19 and sending a message of support and motivation from the parties to the industry.
The 10-minute video is available on YouTube, please click here or use the following link: in addition, the video is also available on the electronic and digital platforms salgbc, SALGA, SAMWU and IMATU. Collective bargaining in the disciplinary code is complete and a collective agreement is concluded on February 1, 2018. SaLGBC is based on a voluntary basis, within the meaning of the Industrial Relations Act, in agreement with the Employers` Organisation (SALGA) and the trade unions (IMATU and SAMWU). This agreement is contained in the Council Constitution (a collective agreement), which is the basic management instrument that governs the relationship between the employers` organisation and the trade union parties, which can be read in conjunction with the Labour Relations Act. Click the right mouse button on the «Download file» button and select «Save the destination under.» Download the file in any directory – (example: personal documents, office, etc.) After opening the file, use the two blue arrows «next page» in the bottom/center of the page through the document and not «Next image» Arrows Please note that some of the old conventions are in the TIFF format and perhaps only show the first page after opening. To be able to properly view the file, please take into account the following steps: Collective bargaining is one of the key functions of the SALGBC, which can take place either at the Central Council level, at the divisional level or at the local level (LLF). The subject of the negotiations will determine the appropriate level or forum for these negotiations. As an example of salary, medical assistance and pension fund contributions, annual leave can only be negotiated at the Central Council level. The department or LFF does not have the authority to negotiate salaries. National terms of service are governed by the main collective agreement. President Cyril Ramaphosa`s announcement to the nation on 15 March 2020 of a series of measures to combat the COVID 19 pandemic and the government`s subsequent announcement of a national blockade highlighted the seriousness of the pandemic.
The potential negative effects on the lives of all citizens and the economy, if not every individual and organization, are part of efforts to control the spread of coronavirus, are self-evident. CIRCULAR 5 OF 2020 CHALLENGES FACED BY MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ON THE FRONTLINE, FIGHTING THE COVID-19 DISEASE After the download is complete, go to the selected directory and click again with the right mouse button on the file.