What Is An Interconnection Agreement

Traditionally, an Interconnection Agreement (IC) is a regulated contract between telecommunications companies for the interconnection of their networks and the transfer of data traffic on the NETWORK. Contractual agreements between service providers, which define the conditions for controlling traffic exchanges between these service providers, are more often described. An Interconnection Agreement (AI) is a formal legal document detailing the terms of the ISO-managed liaison service. If you have sent a connection request (IR) to ISO for an Elective Transmission Upgrade (ETU) system, you must enter an AI before you start construction and operation. In order to speed up the connection of a large generator or vote transfer upgrade, you can request an engineering and purchase contract from the owner of the connection transfer. This is done before the implementation of an interconnection agreement and gives you the option to forego the Facilities Study (FAC). A liaison agreement is a commercial contract between telecommunications companies with the aim of interconnecting their networks and exchanging telecommunications. Connection agreements can be found on both the public telephone network and the Internet. Interconnected agreements are generally complex contractual agreements, which include payment systems and plans, routing coordination, acceptable use guidelines, traffic balancing requirements, technical standards, network operation coordination, dispute resolution, etc. Legal and regulatory requirements are often a problem. For example, network operators may be legally forced to connect with their competitors. In the United States, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 imposed interconnection methods and compensation models. You have the option to forego the study of facilities (FAC) and choose an accelerated interconnection and instead enter into an engineering and procurement agreement (E-P).

This choice requires you to make specific milestones and costs, and your decision cannot be reversed. On the internet, where the concept of «call» is generally difficult to define, peering without housing and internet transit are common forms of interconnection. An interconnection contract within the Internet is generally referred to as a peering agreement. ISO`s Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) describes the rules for connecting process. See calendar 22, section 9, engineering and procurement agreement for large generators or calendar 25 for ETUs. To select accelerated interconnection, notify ISO in writing within 10 business days of its results from the FCC`s on-call System Impact Assessment (SIS). The associated delays are as follows: On the public telephone network, a connection agreement includes, without exception, billing fees based on the source of the call and the destination, connection times and duration if these fees between operators are not waived.