Ky Master Agreements

Kentucky state contracts are established by the Commonwealth of Kentucky and can be used by all public authorities. These contracts can be used in the same way as Murray State University contracts. To access a list of Kentucky State Master Agreements, click on the link below, then select «All State Masters Contracts»: a copy is returned to the department which is notifying the department that work can begin. The Kentucky Educational Purchasing Cooperative (KEPC) contracts are the result of an offer or RFP from one of Kentucky`s universities, which is extended for use by other Kentucky universities if they wish to purchase from these contracts. . Price contracts (PCTs) are established when it is determined that certain types of products or services without guaranteed quantity remain necessary. These contracts are usually concluded following a formal invitation to bid or an offer request (RFP). A Personal Service Contract (PSC) is an agreement under which an individual, company, partnership or company provides certain services that, for a specified period at an agreed price, require professional skills or professional judgment. If after checking the following examples of personal service contracts and you think your purchase requires a PSC; Please call 270-809-4090 for a destination. For contract services that are not subject to competition, specific service contracts (SSCs) are entered into. Choose the link below for information on the following types of contracts: NOTE: Special service forms must be submitted no later than 10 days before the start of services. Send the following COMPLETED documents to the contract number purchase services: NOTE: Software development can be submitted to the Personalized Service process, depending on the work done.

If you have any questions about software development or web design, please contact the purchasing services. Once the CSP is active, creditors must submit the following form containing any invoices submitted for the payment related to the work performed under the CSP. Personal service contracts must be approved by the Government Contract Review Committee der General Assembly (LRC). It is therefore important that purchasing services are contacted as soon as it is known that this type of contract is necessary. As a general rule, there is an application process before a contractor can be recruited. In addition, these types of contracts require the agreement of the university and the president of the University. An approved application is required before purchasing services begin to be awarded for a personal service contract. A special service contract form between the university and the person or company must be included: the purchasing services then issue a «contract number».