You will receive email notifications about all the actions you need to take in preparing the grant. For more details, please see a list of all financial communications and their recipients. Intermediate and final payments are contingent on project results. It is important to report on the progress of your project in accordance with the reference schedule of the grant agreement. The grant agreement with the EC is set up by a specific model subsidy agreement. This model contains specific annexes for financial forms, a budget commitment form and a model for establishing the use of the previous pre-financing tranche. A Grant Agreement model is also available for download. This file contains details of the main financial provisions of the Model Grant Agreement (MGA). The Annotated Model Grant Agreement includes all Horizon 2020 grants. The specific section of the ERA-NET Cofund is available in Chapter V (page 574 and below). All formal steps in the preparation of the grant agreement are described in the H2020 online manual. If the consortium has decided not to sign its grant during the pre-grant phase, it can initiate the termination process through the IT tool for grant management.
Look at the detailed screens and descriptions in the termination before signing the grant. If your proposal is accepted, you will be asked to sign a detailed contract called the Grant Agreement. Most of the provisions of the GA cannot be changed. However, specific details can be agreed individually with the European Commission/Financing Agency during the preparatory phase. B of financial assistance, such as the start-up of the project and the amount of pre-financing. This process summarizes the main steps in signing your grant agreement: signing a grant agreement and how payments are made. Once the erA-LEARN Cofund proposal has been proposed for funding, the EC will open a meeting on the participants` portal to prepare the grant agreement. Please use the My Projects website of the promotion and tender portal to prepare your grant by entering the necessary data and signing your online grant contract. This data will also be available in PDF format.
In addition to the grant agreement, it is mandatory for all beneficiaries to sign a consortium agreement. Each consortium must define its own structures and rules that meet its specific requirements. In order to support the preparation of your specific consortium agreement, ERA-LEARN provides a model for the ERA-NET Cofund consortium agreement. The model is based on LESCA.