Collective Bargaining Agreements Zimbabwe

The law supports the creation of workers` committees in companies where less than 50% of workers are unionized. These committees must be consulted on an enterprise committee with management representatives on employment issues, which must be approved by the Minister of Labour. It is about negotiating workers` immediate concerns, while unions need to focus on longer-term issues, such as wages. Although the Labour Act recognizes the right to collective bargaining, the Labour Amendment Act 2005 gives the Minister of Labour, in Sections 25, 79, 80 and 81, the power to approve, register and publish collective agreements. The law also provides that collective agreements should include measures to combat violence in the workplace. However, the unions saw it as a way to criminalize strikes. Collective agreements are concluded: collective bargaining is negotiated by registered or certified unions, employers` and employer organisations or associations, subject to the agreement of the Zimbabwean government. They can negotiate collective agreements on all terms of employment that are of mutual interest to the parties. Collective bargaining, however, is not the exclusive preserve of trade unions in the labour law. Workers` committees can also negotiate at the company level.