Commercial and industrial enterprises could ignore potential sources of revenue. An electricity purchase contract (PPP) can be used to reduce costs, finance the development of renewable energy, reduce overall operating costs and generate necessary working capital. a forward sale of the commodity at a fixed price (which is in fact a take-pay agreement); Power Purchase Agreement (AAE) – Short form agreement for small energy projects in Namibia Standard-contract to purchase electricity in abbreviated version for small energy projects in Namibia. This is part of a series of documents, including a fuel supply agreement, found at the Nib Electricity Control Board. It is important to note that this approach to clearing house functionality and blockchain implementation could also be used for similar multi-party procurement processes, including demand management (i.e., launch in times of high systemic load), project refinancing, environmental obligations and emission reduction purchase contracts (ERPAs). One of the essential aspects of an AEA is therefore that the project company that builds and operates the plant does not take any risks as to the actual need for the electricity it is able to produce: this «shipping risk» is maintained by the supply company that pays the availability fee, whether or not it consumes electricity. However, the project company is responsible for completing the plant on time and on budget and, subsequently, the operational power of the plant. If, for some reason, it is unable to produce the promised level of service, the availability fee will be reduced accordingly. This is obviously different from the position of a dealer who is only paid if people use the facility. AAEs are now widespread in many parts of the world, both for conventional energy projects and for renewable energy projects. Long-term cfDs are mainly used in the electricity market: in some countries, these contracts must be used instead of an AAE (see below), because all the electricity produced must be sold in the country`s electric pool and not to end-users.