The Agency considers that the use of «experts,» as in the case of «Expert Choice,» is potentially misleading or misleading, since the term has no objectively defined meaning. «Expert» appears to relate to a person or class of people, none of whom are defined or identified in more detail. 40 CFR 156.10 (b) (2) stipulates that no name, brand or trademark shall be on the label which: (I) is false or misleading,….. If, in a given case, pesticide labelling is incorrect or misleading, the product is mislabeled and selling or distributing a pesticide bearing a false mark is a violation of FIFRA. See FIFRA 2 (q) (1) (A); 12a) (1) (E). Unless an applicant can prove to the Agency that there are others. B, for example, through consumer surveys or objective meaning, supported by expert evidence on the label, the Agency considers the term «expert» (in all contexts) to be wrong and misleading. Section 2 (u) of FIFRA defines pesticides in part as «any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, repulse or mitigate pests.» As explained in paragraph 40 CFR 152.15 (a), the substance must be registered when a person markets or sells a substance, with the claim that it can or should be used for pest defence purposes (e.g. B prevention, destruction, release or mitigation of pests), unless it is exempt from the registration requirement in 40 CFR 152 B. When a product claims to be disinfected, it makes a pest control claim and must be registered by the EPO to be legally sold and distributed in the United States. 40 CFR 156.10 (a) (1) (iv) requires that the EPO registration number be on the label of a pesticide.
The label consists of «written, printed or graphic material affixed to the pesticide or on the device or on one of its containers or packaging, or on which it is affixed.» FIFRA 2 (p) (1). In general, support literature, such as technical sheets, is considered a marking, with FIFRA 2 (p) (2) (2) (2) being in part «all labels and other written, printed or graphic objects – (A) and the pesticide or device is accompanied at all times; or (B) to which it is referred on the label or in the literature accompanying the pesticide or device… In most cases where all labeling requirements are met by the label, the EPO does not need accompanying materials or content to be included if they are present. If there are accompanying or reference materials: 1) they are subject to verification and approval; 2) Should not be false or misleading; and 3) must not contain claims that are significantly different from those approved for registration. For reconditioning facilities, the EPA Is. is formatted as a five-digit code, reducing the state in which the device is located, and a three-digit location code for the installation. The EPA East. must be placed by a person in the reconditioning device on each rechargeable portable container (PRC). The EPO registration number (reg.-nr.) is the product-specific registration number, which belongs to the registrant (the manufacturer of the product); This number must also appear on each pesticide label. (see figure #2) In accordance with 40 CFR 153.155 (a), «[p]esticide intended for seed processing, seed processing products must contain a dye authorized to the EPA to give an uns natural colour to the seeds, unless appropriate tolerances or other intervals are set in accordance with the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act for Pesticide Residues.» Seeds can be planted to be extracted from a food grown from the seed, or be a food plant when used directly as food or feed.