Saskatchewan Teachers Federation Collective Agreement

READ MORE: The Saskatchewan government is increasing the salary offer for teachers «The terms of our offer mean that Saskatchewan teachers are stable for years and paid 5% above the Western Canadian average.» For all school boards in the province, the teacher pay scale is negotiated between the Saskatchewan Teachers` Federation (STF), the Saskatchewan government, in consultation with the Saskatchewan School Board Association. The STF wanted the issue to be part of the contract negotiations, while the government said it was not part of collective bargaining. This agreement covers, among other things, the issue of wages, recognition of several years of experience, retirement, group insurance, sick leave, supplementary benefits and employment insurance. A copy of the agreement can be made here. «However, teachers recognize that the world has changed dramatically, and contract execution allows them to focus their energy on supporting their students by continuing to adapt their teaching strategies and providing quality distance learning in an emergency for the rest of this school year.» The union and the government reached an interim agreement on 22 April. The agreement is retroactive to September 1 last year and runs until August 31, 2023. «The adoption of this agreement does not signal that teachers` concerns have been addressed,» STF President Patrick Maze said in the statement. Maze said the bargaining committee believes it is important for teachers to vote on the offer, given the uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. The treaty will now be ratified by the province`s 13,000 teachers, who are expected to vote in the next four to six weeks. For more information on teacher benefits, visit the Saskatchewan Teachers` Federation (STF) website and the following documents: the provincial collective agreement and the CEF collective agreement. Saskatchewan teachers have ratified a new contract with the provincial government. A bitter contractual dispute between the province`s 13,000 teachers and the Saskatchewan government is over after teachers ratify a new contract. In a press release released Thursday night, the Saskatchewan Teachers` Association announced that its members voted 85 per cent for the new four-year contract.

The vote took place between Tuesday and Thursday. «This interim agreement compensates for our respect and esteem for teachers with the fiscal realities of the province,» Education Minister Gordon Wyant said Wednesday. The Saskatchewan government and the province`s teachers` union have tentatively agreed on a new four-year contract. «I think we`ve made significant progress on this issue, and the association is unwavering in its commitment to addressing class complexity and ensuring a properly funded public education system in Saskatchewan.» READ MORE: Saskatchewan`s education assistance promotes «a good start» – the Teachers` Association Local Agreement (LINC), which deals with labour conditions issues not addressed in the provincial agreement, is negotiated between the Francophone school board and the local association of French teachers and teachers (ALEF). Covered negotiated positions include salary payment options (over 10 or 12 months), replacement teacher rates, deferred salaries, personal leave, scholarships, planning time, follow-up, development, etc. For more information, visit the Support Staff Information Book or the SSBA website.