Report On Implementation Of Eu Free Trade Agreements 2018

With regard to the promotion of European standards and sustainable development, partners such as Canada and Mexico ratified conventions of the International Labour Organization last year, thanks to specific provisions of EU trade agreements, which offer better protection to workers. The fourth EU Implementation Report (other languages), published in November 2020 and preceded by the preface by DG Commerce Director-General Sabine Weyand (other languages), provides an overview of the results achieved in 2019 and the remarkable work for the EU`s 36 main preferential trade agreements. The accompanying staff working document provides detailed information in accordance with the trade agreement and trading partners. The 4th Annual Report on the Implementation of EU Trade Agreements in 2019, released today, shows the benefits of our expanding global trading network. Despite global trade tensions, the report shows that EU trade agreements continue to facilitate fair and sustainable trade and strengthen the framework of international rules. European Commission Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said: «Over the years, the EU has invested heavily in developing the world`s largest network of trade agreements. The most recent facts and figures show us that this approach is coming true. These agreements help boost the European economy by facilitating activities around the world while supporting jobs in their home countries. Our growing list of strategic agreements opens doors and gives European companies a competitive advantage in key markets. It also helps to promote respect for human and workers` rights as well as environmental standards.

We must continue to focus on follow-up to ensure that existing rules are followed and that businesses can make the most of these operations. Today`s report on the implementation of EU trade agreements is the second such annual report for 2017. The report describes developments in 35 EU trade agreements (out of a total of 39). The EU has trade agreements with these countries/regions, but the two sides are currently negotiating an update. Currently, the EU has the largest trading network in the world, with 45 trade agreements in place for 77 partner countries. The fourth annual report, which covers the period from 1 January to 31 December 2019, includes 36 major EU preferential trade agreements which were concluded in 2019 for a substantial period with 65 different partners.