Cardholder Agreement Que Significa

Este Acuerdo del Titular de la Tarjeta (el «Acuerdo») establece los términos y las condiciones compliant a los cuales la Tarjeta de prepago U.S. Debit Card Visa® le emiteida. In este Acuerdo, «Tarjeta» signed the US Debit Card Visa Economic Impact Payment Card emitida a usted por MetaBank®, National Association. Entiendase por «usted/ustedes» y «su/sus» a la (s) persona (s) que han recibido la Tarjeta y que estén autorizadas a utilizarla tal cual lo estipula este Acuerdo. El uso de «nosotros» y «nuestro» hace referencia a MetaBank, N.A., asé como también a nuestros sucesores, cesionarios y empresas afiliadas. «Agencia Gubernamental» significa el Departamento del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos u otra agencia gubernamental que sol esta tarjeta a su nombre. La Tarjeta seguiré siendo propiedad de MetaBank, N.A., y debera ser entregada a peticién. La Tarjeta es intransferible, y podré ser cancelada, su posesién podré ser recuperada o revocada en cualquier momento, sin aviso previo, sujeto a los preceptos de la ley aplicable. Lea este Acuerdo con detenimiento y guérdelo para futuras consultas. Since Mia maintains relatively modest monthly expenses, she decides that she would be charged the fee for maintaining an insufficient monthly account debit. Had she not considered the terms of the cardholder`s contract, she could have been forced to pay significant and unexpected penalties.

Remember, even if you are dealing with the best credit card bonuses, you should do extensive research on your options and check cardholder agreements. In the past, some credit card companies have used vague or confusing language to hide the true costs and conditions of their credit cards. As a result, some courts have ruled in favour of consumers who have claimed that their credit card provider made false or misleading claims when they advertised their cards. Thanks to consumer protection legislation such as TILA, credit card customers now enjoy relatively high standards of disclosure and transparency. Nevertheless, reading the cardholder`s agreement remains an important practice. Tempted by these functions, Mia decides to consider accepting the new card. However, before that, it carefully verifies its consent to cardholders. In this document, it notes that many of the functions announced entail significant costs. For example, while the card offers a 5% cash back program on food purchases, it also requires significant monthly fees and penalties when the average monthly balance decreases below a certain level. Las traducciones de este Acuerdo que pudieren haberse proporcionado son para su conveniencia solamente y podrén no reflejar con precisién el significado del original en inglés. Los significados de lostér minos, las condiciones y declaraciones en el presente estén sujetos a las definiciones e interpretaciones en idioma inglés. Under the Truth in LENDING Act (TILA) of 1968, credit card issuers are prohibited from providing misleading information about their offers and must clearly explain the terms and conditions of their credit cards in the cardholder`s contract.

Customers who wish to accept a new credit card should therefore carefully check their cardholder agreement to confirm that the actual provisions of the card are as advertised.