Agreement Of Past Participle In Italian

In case of use with avere, the past participant always ends with the singular male o, unless the verb pronomen it, he, or it precedes. Here is the past participant with the direct object pronodem. You will notice that the number and gender of the former participant corresponds to the direct object that I highlighted in blue. I have often read that the ends of the past participant do not change when used in combination with the auxiliary adverb «avere». However, I am increasingly finding that this is not the case. For example, I recently discovered that if we use the past in a participatory way with essere, it must be consistent with the theme of gender and numbers. This means that the end of the past participant must be changed to: o if the subject is male singular i, if the male subject is plural a if the subject is singular female e, if the subject is plural female First, by «Agreement» of the Past Particle, we are talking about this: The question of the earlier participatory agreement with the auxiliary verb «avere», if in the sentence there is a direct object, is dealt with in sections 365 to 369 of the book Italiano by Luca Serianni. In section 365, this author explains that the past participation, used as tense with Avere and Passato prossimo, does not change because of sex and plurality. You say ho messo a posto il frullatore und ho messo a posto i temperini nel cassetto. That is, the agreement is mandatory when referring to one of these pronouns that precedes it: «lo,» «la,» «li,» «le.» Please note that we cannot use these old entries just to speak in the past. We always need an auxiliary verb in front of them! Not quite about the participatory – but readers like – bound are to appreciate — the video on «Il congiuntivo» by Lorenzo Baglioni to When the verb we want to express in the past uses AVERE as a tool, we do not worry about the change of past participation. It doesn`t matter who the subject or the object is.

As there is a link, the participatory past is decimated on the basis of the plurality of the object. There are other cases with the auxiliary adverb «avere» where the consent of the past is optional with the direct object, with a tendency in modern Italian not to make such an agreement. They are widely discussed in Serianni`s book. Some of them are explained in this article by Accademia della Crusca. We use AVERE for all transitive verbs (verbs that need an object to have meaning – «paint» … You have to paint something, don`t you? – «to love» … You must love something or someone, don`t you? – «Talking» … You have to say words, don`t you?). Avete piantato dei peperoni? li abbiamo piantati. Geoff`s picture.

MI SONO SVEGLIATO (singular maskuline subject)I woke up STAMATTINA CI SIAMO SVEGLIATI TARDIThis morning we woke up late Since it «looks» and works almost like the English Present Perfect, we must understand that there are always two components to an Italian Prossimo Passato: . N.B. if we do not use to say «that» or «them,» we follow the same rules as above. See what happened? Andare`s past, which is ANDATO, has turned into a female!!!! Paolo e andato a sciare – Paolo went skiing (male singular) the anno scorso i ragazzi sono andati in Spagna – last year, the boys went to Spain (plural male) ieri Lucia ` andata al merc serena e Annalisa sono andate a teatro Serena and Annalisa went to the theater (female plural) 3), if the auxiliary verb is AVERE and we use a direct object pronoun before the verb, there`s PAOLO AGREEMENT si e vestito – Paolo attracted (male singular) i ragazzi if sono vestiti – the boys have attracted (plural male) Lucia si` vestita – Lucia got dressed (female singular) Maria e Giovanna if sono vestite – Maria and Giovanna got dressed (feminine plural) .